The Instruments of Diversions, Discord, and Division
“You would be insuperable if you were inseparable “
Ever gave a thought how just a few hundred families have ended up ruling the entire western world – plundering and taking away from you all that rightfully belonged to you – turning you into an obedient servant of them – a slave, in fact?
They have achieved this feat by mastering the art of sowing and spreading the seeds of division, discord, and distrust among the people – dividing the humanity into numerous subsets – each one of them fearing and hating the other.
The sad part is that you are a willing participant in the plunder of humanity – your own plunder. Consuming in the fire of mutual hate, you are the one doing the bidding of your masters – destroying and killing the fellow humans, so that your masters – your lords, can loots the resources and possessions of your victims.
You have swallowed their bait hook, line, and sinker – What a pity!
But, anyway, one has to admire the meticulous planning and attention to details that has been put into the Scheme deployed to divide the humanity into the groups of mutually despising bigots – ready to kill at the slightest nudge.
Certainly a master piece of work in the art of ‘ruling and managing the subject.
No doubt those few hundred ruling class families have morphed into the most formidable Empire in the world – The Empire of Tyranny.
The Empire of Tyranny thrives on the plunder and killing. It has one single objective: confiscate, grab, and loot all that belongs to the humanity – all of its production, wealth, and resources. And, to achieve its objective, it makes you do the job – willingly and proudly. What a shame!
In order to keep its subject enslaved and subjugated – while still keeping them believing that they were free, The Empire strategically install its trusted slaves as the instruments of Diversions, Discord, and Division.
These loyal slaves of the Empire work diligently to maintain the status quo – The public has to be assured that ‘The System work’s!
In the course of their duty, these instruments of the Empire deploy the variety of tactics to keep the populace in the service of The Empire.
The three of the top control tactics, proven to be the most effective, are the following:
The Tactic of Diversion in Action
Muslim Obama:
A recent Featured Article posted on an “Alternate Media” website is screaming, ” Obama is a Marxist Muslim who has sneaked into the White with the sole objective to destroy the only superpower in the world with a unique individual spirit and gun ownership to fulfill their dreams. That is why communist Obama and his Muslim cohorts were brought in the White House.
“A well-known author on another ‘humanist-alternate media website declares, “One has to be a hell of a hand-puppet actor to pretend to be a Christian, pretending to be a Zionist Jew but who is really a Muslim at heart and faith, pretending to be a Zionist communist candidate for President of our nation. There are so many bats flying around in Barky’s belfry he cannot count them all.”
A blogger is blasting on his website that ‘Muslim Obama is in the White House to destroy the Christianity and implement the Sharia Law in the US’.
There are hundreds of such purely humanist-nationalist alternate media websites that are declaring Obama a Muslim-in-disguise, installed to hand over the keys of the White House to Muslims.
In the above tactic, beside diverting the public attention from the real issue, these instruments are also trying to project the impression that the person sitting in The White House poses some real authority.
Putting The Claim to The Test:
And, the conclusion: Sure, one has to agree. Obama has to be a Muslim – No argument!
The Tactic of Demonization in Action
A high profile author posted an argumentative article on a UK based alternate website with the above Title. His entire argument was based on one photo. In the picture, two brown color motorbike riders, at a traffic stop in London, were shown looking at a beautiful white woman walking on the side. Based on that image, the respected author stated those riders, given the opportunity, would end up assaulting that woman – And, so would all other browns and Muslim.
A very logical conclusion, indeed.
We have another one, who claims to have been always cycling around coast-to-coast, and consider himself to be the epitome of American patriotism and nationalism, has one single theme to all his gems: Illegal are pouring through from the our southern porous border in millions, taking over our nation, milking away our resources, bringing in the diseases, destroying our school and the health-care system, and are the root cause of the financial disaster that nation is facing today.
Indeed! This one deserves the Noble Prize in the area of Economic Sciences.
Strange, none of these Nationalists, Patriots ever utter a word about the Empire of Tyranny.
Anyhow, The Empire is flourishing – at your expense. Keep on swallowing the pill of discord and hate, Keep busy debating the non-issues – The Empire is having all the fun, while your are busy with your fratricidal killings.
∘ What a shame!
They’re not the real source of the problem, Benny; they’re just way too stupid. Who encourages them? Who instigates their violent behavior through divisive propaganda? It’s the progeny of the founders of the Frankfurt School. These people don’t want solidarity among the people of various races. These Trotskyites drudge up discord and conflict; they don’t give a hoot about black, brown, or white people; they want the various races to fight each other, since racial conflicts give them total power over them all.
The idea of Race Mining is program of the people you talk about. so why then do you blame nationalists that they are against that particular policy of the NWO?
I missed your suggestion of what is the very best method to counter and end this situation. Clearly stating the obvious doesn’t help anymore. A vast majority has knowledge about it.
What is missing is a comprehensive plan to end the NWO. They had a plan which they worked out over the centuries. We are not able to do the same?
Meanwhile it makes sense to me, to throw a monkey wrench into any of their policies, to make them work harder and exhaust them. We can do that because we are many, which they counter with controlling the mass media, which we countered that no body believes them anymore.
First new fledglings of a new world order (anotherone then the Jew Propagated one) are growing. Like non-GMO small farming, the Amish movement, anti-abortion, home-schooling, reconstructing feminism and so on.
There are plenty of avenues to take, to work against the ‘establishment’ forces.
The disconnect grows and that is good so. At one point they lose their power over us.
Just freakin’ WONDERFUL! Now why don’t you get the moronic niggers in America to quit killing each other, white people, and anybody else who expects them to get jobs, follow rules, and obey the law? Not so damned EASY dealing with NIGGERS, is it?
Wow, this is ignorance at it´s best. Hmm let us look at the facts: While it is true that many crimes are committed by Blacks in America, the evils of society cannot be pointed solely to them. There are just as many criminals in ‘white’ America as there are in ‘black’. The biggest corporate criminals in this country are -wait for it – WHITE! However you don´t hear much about that in the media, because that would kinda even the playing field…
This type of foolish thinking on your part just underscores the author´s point of division being used to control and conquer the masses.
Like it or not, we are all on the same boat. It doesn´t matter if you are middle class or poor, or what skin color you happened to be born with. We are all “useless” eaters in the eyes of the so-called ‘elite’. Only by coming together and cooperating in the fight against theses murderous idiots will we stand a chance of getting out of this mess.
OMG! Da Kreep, have you looked in a mirror lately? Da ‘white-boys’ is a killin each udder and ever’body else all around da world. If ya has any oil-diamonds-gas-precious metals of any sort … da ‘white-boys’ is gonna comes to kill ya, on ‘humanitarian grounds.’ Dey is gonna bomb da Shiite outta ya to civilise ya, and give ya sum democracy old boy.
Also, it might not have occurred to ya, it was dem ‘white-folks’ what be killin each udder during da WW1 and WW11 and are planning WW3. Put dat in ya pipe Benny-boy and smokes it for a while.