The Crazy Planet of Baboons: Planet Earth
An Extra Terrestrial Spaceship, after traveling trillions of kilometers, at close to the speed of light, had finally entered into the Earth's orbit... They couldn't believe what they witnessed - The Earthlings were showing all the signs of reverting back from their Human state to the Apes state... In hundreds of scouting and rescue operations across the galaxies, they had never encountered an occurrence.... Continue Reading
The Human – And, The Earthling
The Human is an amazing species. Its mutually conflicting behavior and completely opposing traits don't fit the profile of a single species... A proverbial Angel on one hand and a mythological Demon on the other hand. The mutually conflicting behavior and completely opposing traits don't fit the profile of a single species.... Continue Reading
Ebola Virus – Produced in Lab ?
Ebola is one of the scariest of all epidemics, and it has the potential to wipe out entire communities in densely populated areas. The current strain of the Ebola Virus is a Genetically Modified Organism created at the Center for Disease Control. The scary part is that, the Ebola Virus may really go viral on global scale.... Continue Reading
The Tribal Gods – Gods of Discord
In God We Trust - And, in God's Name We Kill, Rape, Loot, and Destroy. Ours is The Loving and Caring God. More than Fifty Six Million native Americans, Millions of natives of Australia and New Zealand, Tens of Millions of people in India, and the Millions in the Middle East sacrificed at the Alter of God are Testimonials of God's Love and Care - And, The God's Love is Never Ending!....
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Scientific data and evidence has led us to the conclusion that there must have to be an 'Intelligent Scheme' at work to manifest the emergence of this enormous, complex, and highly dynamic Universe... Further, there must exist an 'Authority' and 'Intelligence' to formulate and impose the Laws of the Universe. We may call that Entity, 'The Creator'... Here, with a purely scientific and logical perspective, we.... Continue Reading
The Case for the Intelligent Scheme
The vastness, the complexity, and the order of the Universe is simply mind-numbing. It is certainly a system of enormously large proportions and extreme complexity... For a gargantuan system of such large proportions, we observe the Universe to be very orderly, precise and stable... The presence of well thought and unbreakable laws, and strict code of abidance is.... Continue Reading
In Search of The Origin – Beyond The Big Bang
The precision and the order of the 'Universal Affairs' points to the presence of Laws, and a strict code of abidance in place from the moment of the birth of the universe . . .
But, if we accept that it were the precise 'Laws of Science' that governed the formation of the Universe from the 'Moment Zero', then how those Law came into existence? Who created those laws, and what....
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It is a vast Universe, encompassing some100-200 billion galaxies and roughly 30 trillion trillions (3 x 1022 ) individual stars. And yet most of the universe is empty space... Mathematical probability aside, extrapolation of significantly large data, compiled over the last couple of decades, indicate that there are billions of the star systems that carry planets that have the atmosphere and the essentials, very similar to.... Continue Reading
Purely scientifically speaking, there is little debate left that The Universe, as we perceive it now, originated with a Big Bang. As for as the state of affairs at the instance of the The Big-Bang, that also created our known dimensions of 'Time' and 'Space', we have no choice but to accept that it must have been a state of 'Absolute Singularity' - A state of No 'Space', No 'Time, and Zero 'Mass'... At that 'timeless' moment, the.... Continue Reading
All the evidentiary data indicate that, like any other 'thing' that we know, the universe had a beginning. It didn't exist forever. . . Logically, we can assume, there had to be a, sort of, Space and Time point for the Big Bang to occur . But, the Space-Time dimensions themselves were the creation of The Big Bang, and the dimensions of Space, Time, and Mass, as we know now, came into existence as the result.... Continue Reading
In our quest to understand the Origin of the Universe, and the emergence of ‘Life’, we have two possible approaches to follow; Faith, and Science. The ‘Faith Rooster’ provides an easy ride - just hold on to your Faith. On the other hand, applying a Science based approach presents the prospects of a bumpy ride into an uncharted territory – But, the reward may well be the ultimate prize, The Truth... We have come to.... Continue Reading