Raw Milk – Hazardous to Healthcare Industry

10 Responses

  1. John Doyle says:

    In Australia today [2016] raw milk is legally on sale. It’s still treated but by cold compression.
    Over $6/litre though.

  2. T2014 says:

    Sorry but this article is quite a bunch of nonsense. Go try some real raw milk and I bet whatever you wish that 8 out of 10 people will be puking for the next couple of days – confirmed very often in real life.

    Raw milk is indeed very healthy for those people that can actually deal with it. But most of us don’t have the right genes and the right mixture of microbes in the gut, to those people raw milk is almost like poison.

    Let alone the fact that in the USA, what you call milk would be called lightly colored water over here in Europe. In that sense, I can understand that you want some better stuff than the watered-down chemical experiment you get in the supermarket. But you do not want it “raw”.

    Insert “real, high quality milk” instead of “raw milk”, then we’ll be on the same page.

  3. hp says:

    The King of Foods and nothing else even comes close.

  4. Rife says:

    In China almost no milk or other dairy products are consumed. It is strongly suspected that this is the reason why breast (and prostate) cancer is effectively non-existent there.
    My question is: Could industrial milk be the cause of the cancers? Would substituting raw milk reduce or eliminate breast cancer?
    As with so many things, the data to answer these questions is already out there. Look in the US when we went to “long shelf life” industrial milk (1960’s). Look in other countries that consume dairy and dairy products made from raw milk. Maybe it is the “low fat” industrial dairy products. The answers to this question are also out there.

  5. Sir B says:

    The modern ‘health’ system is a system designed to degenerate and destroy natural remedies and render humans on the verge of death. There is a system in place that makes sure things like Raw Milk are outlawed. And that things like Fluoride and other toxins are added to our food chain. This is a diabolical and evil plan and it needs to be stopped. But how??

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