In Search of The Origin – III
The Big Bang, and The Energy:
Purely scientifically speaking, there is little debate left that The Universe, as we perceive it now, originated with a Big Bang. As for as the state of affairs at the instance of the The Big-Bang, that also created our known dimensions of ‘Time‘ and ‘Space‘, we have no choice but to accept that it must have been a state of ‘Absolute Singularity‘ – A state of ‘No Space‘, ‘No Time‘, and ‘Zero Mass‘.
Logically, as a precondition for The Big Bang to occur, somehow, there must have emerged an enormous Energy from that state of absolute singularity (i.e., beyond the bounds of space and time dimensions) – The ‘how’ and ‘from where’ are beyond the scope of our discussion at this point. Certainly, we cannot figure out the mechanism for the emergence of that Energy. Also, we cannot define the ‘quantitative’ or ‘qualitative’ nature of that ‘Energy’ Either. Further, like its emergence, we cannot comprehend the ‘mechanism‘ for the explosion of that Energy that caused The Big Bang.
The Laws of Physics that govern the affairs of the universe now, do not function in a state devoid of Time-Space dimensions. We, therefore, have no means to explain the events or the state that was at the instance of the Big Bang.
There is not much footing for us to allow us to scientifically evaluate and analyze such a state. We have to take the existence of that Energy in its state of ‘Absolute Singularity’ as a ‘given’, and proceed from that point forward.
We have to take the ‘Emergence’ or ‘Existence’ of ‘The Initial Energy’ in its state of ‘singularity‘, and its ‘Explosion‘, that initiated, formed, and shaped this Universe, as two additional ‘given’ facts. The acknowledgement of these fundamental factors as ‘given facts‘ provide us the needed ‘stepping-stone’, and makes it feasible to apply the known laws of physics in our effort to better understand the Universe, and the origin of our own self.
In the absence of any of the essential elements, that we need to refer to in order to describe an ‘event’, it is simply not possible to depict or describe the event – Think about it; how will you describe an event involving, the sound (explosion), thunder, flash, color, or expansion, when there exists no medium, i.e., light, air, or space, that is needed for that ‘event‘ to occur.
That is one of the major problems – we do not have the words or the expressions to describe the events of the Big Bang, or the state before it, or the state right after it. It is difficult to conceive those events, since we have the proper words to describe them.
But, we have no other means to describe the events around the Big Bang. Words like ‘instant’, ‘explosion, ‘flash’, or ‘bang’ are the only pointers available in our vocabulary that we can use to convey, portrait and depict those ‘events‘.
We can only do our best with the ‘words’ to describe those ‘early’ events, for our brains to be able to have a ‘visual’ of the state of the ‘Beginning’ of it all.
Virgin Mother Energy:
It must have been a real Big Bang! With a Big Bang the enormous Initial Energy, or, rather, The Virgin Mother Energy, violently leashed out from its ‘Singularity‘ – a state of ‘Absolute Nothingness‘. Supper Strings of the initial energy were leashing out from the erupting Virgin Mother Energy.
What was the state of the Time and Space during those early ‘moments‘, we have no means to scientifically or mathematically explain or comprehend. Measurements, like the ‘speed of light’, are out of context since the initial energy particles that were to produce the photons (particles of light) were just being propagated. Whatever the state it was, it had no correlation to our understanding of time and space at the present.
As the enormous Supper Strings of energy were propagating and spreading out and away from the nucleus of the initiating mother energy, at a speed that we cannot comprehend in our present context, the ‘Time-Space‘ Dimensions were being formed. The unleashing Virgin Mother Energy, in its state of self-propagation, was producing the initial ‘energy packets’ that were to become the building blocks of the particles that in turn were to become the basic building blocks of the sub-atomic particles. These basic energy packets can be considered the Universal Unit (Quantum) Packets of Energy. All the galactic bodies – Billions of Galaxies containing trillions of Solar Systems, and the ‘Life’ itself, sprang from these Universal Unit Packets of Energy.
Emergence of a Vast and Complex Universe:
It must indeed be a very fantastic scene. From the nothingness of the ‘absolute void‘ a Gigantic Ball of incalculable intensity and immense energy had, somehow, abruptly emerged in a flash (of course, flash, light, colors and explosion are just our mental way to somehow try to connect and describe that moment – in fact none of our descriptive terminologies fit to the event). Self-propagating Super Strings of energy were bolting out-and-away from the nucleus of that gigantic ball of immense energy, creating the building blocks for the essentials of the universe.
These Super Strings of immense energy had propagated a multi-dimensional ‘Multi-Verse” system spanning for beyond – by our presently accepted measuring standards – the 14-billion-light-years across from the nucleus of the Mother Energy. What were the dimensions and measures of other ‘universes’ within the propagated ‘Multi-Verse” system, we have no inkling. Though, we recognize the presence of more then three dimensions – up to nine dimensions are predicted by some theories, our brains are simply not designed to accommodate the perception of such a multi-dimensional system.
For the sake of exercise, you can try to visualize a four-dimensional room! – Recall, your room is made up of three-dimensions; width, length, and height – what will be the 4th dimension, and where will it coincide?
Our mathematical calculations had suggested that the container shell of our perceptible universe, formed at the instant of The Big Bang, spanned, sort of spherically, more than 28 billion-light-years across. More to contribute to the enormity and complexity of the system, the very latest evidence and theories suggest that The Universe spans, more probably, 100-billion light years across, and contains many billions more galaxies than the previously prevalent estimates.
To put in ‘perspective’ the ‘magnitude’ of the initial energy involved, it was the Virgin Mother Energy eruption with a Big Bang that formed the Time-Space dimensions, and created this enormous and complex ‘System of Universes’. As for figuring out the ‘qualitative nature’ of that ‘Mother Energy‘, we have nothing to work with.
Now, limiting ourselves to ‘our own’ Universe, it is very probable and logical – and, there are many theories that suggest so, to accept, taking into account the magnitude and impact of the initiating Mother Energy that leashed out at the Big Bang, that the Universe expanded to its fullest span within an instant (measured in our present time scale) of The Big Bang!
It means that the universe was at its maximum span the instant after The Big Bang.
At that ‘timeless‘ moment, the Universe, in its crude and formative stage, had emerged within the confines of its time-space dimensions. It was a universe that we can only describe as ‘Supper Hot‘, formed within the Multidimensional Energy Fields of enormous magnitude.
It is more probable than not, that the nucleus of that Virgin Mother Energy remained intact as the Multidimensional Center (The Nucleus) of this universe. Since after its spanning to the fullest at the ‘instant‘ after the Big Bang, the entire Universe / Multiverse system is being pulled back by the ‘attractive force‘ of the nucleus of the Virgin Mother Energy. Plainly speaking, it is also more probable than not that the Universe is, since the moment of its conception, contracting and shrinking, and not expanding.
The acceptance of this quite plausible hypothesis that the entire system of the multidimensional universe is engulfed in a, sort of, ‘Energy Field‘ since its very creation, and that it is being pulled towards the nucleus of the Virgin Mother Energy, sets us free from the burden of coming up with ‘make-to-fit’ theories, like those of; The Black-Holes, and the The Dark Matter, to justify and explain a plethora of anomalies that we encounter in our effort to promote an ever ‘expanding-gravitational’ model of the universe.
It is, therefore, quite plausible that while the time-space dimensions were emerging, and the initial packets of energy were getting busy in formulating the galactic structures, our journey back to ‘Home’ (nucleus of the Mother Energy) had already started. The universe was already heading back to its Point of Origin.
At the point that the Universe started this return journey backward, the Time Counter was set to ZERO. The time is ticking since then, and we are already many billion light years on our way back. Every thing in the universe is rushing back to Point Zero. How far we have come and how far is left – we have no idea. It is comprehensible that at some point, the universal-return-journey will cross a certain point where the Pulling Force of the Nucleus shall increase abruptly due to the universal system’s entry into an inner shell of denser Energy Field – That will be The Crunch Time. The resulting enormous acceleration will cause the matter to condense to a very high density. At that point, the universe will be close to the end of its journey.
But, since we still have the time, we can continue with our intergalactic journey.
The Case of The Electric Universe:
The Supper Strings of Energy, that were unleashed and splashed out at the Big Bang, were the carriers of the Mother Energy that formed the System of the Universe – a system comprising clusters of billions of Galaxies, inter-galactic ‘dust‘, and a lot of Mater in a state of ‘Plasma’. Even at the present [The term ‘present’ may be quite misleading, since what we observe at our present moment is a peek into the past – and, that past may be billions of year in the reverse.] ‘plasma‘ is the most abundant form of matter in the Universe. Most stars in the Galactic universe are in a plasma state.
As we know, a matter in plasma state is a ‘charged‘ matter – a good conductor of electric current. The presence of the bulk of matter in its plasma state in the universe suggest that the Super String of the Initial Mother Energy were, in fact, the enormous ‘Electro-Magnetic Fields’. That, in turn, points to an Electric Universe. It is more plausible, in spite of the full-spectrum promotion of the ‘Gravitational Model’ of the universe, that we are living in an Electro-Magnetic Universe.
Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest minds of humanity, was among the first scientists in recent times who recognized the world as being an ‘electrical universe’. Many of his ideas and inventions originated form this understanding. It is sad that the significance of his great works and his contribution to science has been systematically erased from the public sight in order to install a ‘Monkey‘ on the pedestal of science!
The ‘Monkey‘ on the pedestal aside, more and more physicists are accepting that there is sufficient and plausible evidence to suggest that it may very well be an ‘Electrical Universe’.
We know that our planet Earth is surrounded by it own electromagnetic field, and the Sun’s electromagnetic fields and plasma burst are visible even from the earth . Electro-magnetic ‘storms’ are observed deep into the galactic clusters.
In fact, we are all electrical beings; you may like to think about your heart beats and the brain activity.
But what, in reality, are these phenomena that we dub as electricity, magnetism, or ‘charge’? Honestly, we don’t understand and don’t know. We pretend to know it all, we try to explain it to our students in an ‘authoritative’ manner, but the truth is; we have no clue.
We define the electricity as a form of energy that ‘flows’ due to the existence of charged particles. But, what is a ‘charge’? We say that it is a characteristic of a unit matter that expresses the extent to which it has more or fewer electrons than protons. But, are we saying that the ‘electrons’ and ‘protons’ are the ‘charge‘? No. Then, what are we saying? We don’t know, honestly.
We certainly have observed the behavior of these forces, and understand their interactions and characteristics well, but as for the nature of these amazing forces, we are still in the dark.
A Universe of Billions of Galaxies:
Irrespective of our understanding of the nature of it, the universe does exist the way it is. It is an enormous ‘world’, created by the Super Strings of the Energy Fields, comprising billions of Galaxies. Most galaxies form a cluster like formation – like a ‘Local Group’. These Galactic Clusters are positioned tens of millions light years away from each other. An average galaxy spans 100-200 light years across. Also, an average Galaxy contains 100 – 200 billion stars. An average star carries 5-14 planets orbiting around it. Stars are generally several light years away from each other. The galaxy that we are in is named by us as The Milky Way Galaxy. It is in the local cluster group that we call the ‘Virgo Super Cluster‘. Milky Way Galaxy contains around 120 billion stars. ‘Our‘ Sun is one of its stars. Star Sun carries ten planets in its orbit. Our Earth is one of the star Sun’s planets.
Planet Earth is just one of the hundreds of billions of planet in ‘our’ Milky Way Galaxy – And, there are Billions of identified Galaxies in our ‘known’ universe. Billions of the planets across the galactic universe have the atmosphere and conditions needed for the existence and for the support of life.
And, coming Down to Earth:
You may, at this point, would like to consider:

Could there be any reason for this minuscule Earth to be considered the ‘center’ of every thing that exists in the humongous universe?
Could there be any reason for the intelligent life to emerge only on Earth – And nowhere else?