Chinese economy is in a state of perpetual free fall since the mid 1990s. It has to be. From the most respected economist, experts, analysts, and seasoned columnist to the senior treasury and FED officials, all have been predicting the ''unavoidable' collapse of the Chines economy and the 'imminent' 'bubble burst' of the Chinese real estate and financial sector for more then two decades! ... Continue Reading
India Poised to Overtake China
Pitching India against China has been another pastime of experts and economists in the West. India certainly compares to China in terms of headcount, and shares Himalayas with Chine. But, despite all the India Shines chimes, the similarity ends right there. The fact is that over 50% of the Indian population—597 million people, still do not have the luxury of a toilet, and are forced to defecate in public (Source: WHO,UNICEF).... Continue Reading
All this hoopla - from the encirclement of China to the Pivot to Asia, can be seen as mere distraction - half-backed plots cooked together to avoid public suspicion of the emergence of the 'Axis of The Empires'. . . The real danger to The Empire is with the Elements, embedded within the cobwebs of The Empire, who are determined to 'terminate' it for good. And, the responsibility ... Continue Reading
China’s Accession to The Throne: And, Prospects of Coup d’etat
For more than two centuries the United States served The Empire well, fulfilling all its whims and satisfying its lust for blood. But, The Empire is on the move again; China is going to be The New Seat of The Empire, and The United States has to submit and surrender. . . The real danger to The Empire's plan is from the hot heads within the Chinese Military.... Continue Reading

China: The Turmoil Brewing Under The Surface
It was the hard work of the previous two generations that bloomed into the present day China Miracle... They put their trust in the Communist Party, and, with the Chinese perspective, the leadership of the communist party has betrayed them - The dreams of their fathers have been stolen and handed over to the likes of Jack Ma, and Ma Huateng....
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It was with the Grace of The Ruling Elites of the Empire that the West enjoyed an Era of unprecedented prosperity, social welfare, and freedom. Now, the Ruling Elites have gotten fed up with the ever increasing demands and self-indulgence of their subjects, and have decided to put them back into the Era where they belong — The Era of feudal fascism and ruthless suppression.... Continue Reading
Russia herded and delivered into the Loving Arms of China
In the community hunting frenzies of the past, a large number of drummers would be deployed to encircle the hunting area – leaving a narrow gap open in the circle. The drums then would cause the animals to run towards the open gap. It seems like the hunting season—The Bear hunting. Russian Bear is being delivered into the waiting arms of the Chinese Dragon .... Continue Reading
The BRICS Of The Empire: The ‘B’ of The BRICS – Brazil
All the bricks in the BRICS are fully aligned with the Old World Order—there is no New World Order. The same old Banking Dynasties that have been ruling the world for more than two-hundred-fifty years are paving the new pathway with the newly stamped BRICS—though a new path, it still leads to the same destination—The Den of the Super Rich. .... Continue Reading
Mass Surveillance: Collective Behavior Monitoring & Control
No more than 600 families - with only 13 families at the core, have been exploiting, plundering, and ruling over more than 7 billion people. It is a rather scary and precarious state - For the Ruling Elites . A wrong swing in the collective mood of the masses, and they may go the way of Czar Romanov. Mass Surveillance serves to keep tab on the public mood.... Continue Reading
China’s Soft Underbelly – Hong Kong
Since the very early days of the Empire, Hong Kong was curved out to serve as the eastern hub of the drug empire. It was the center for opium trade settlements, and, later on, a shipping hub and the banking center for the region. The drug money infused relative prosperity of its inhabitants also served as the billboard displaying the success of the capitalist system... Continue Reading
The Tools of Instigation – From Ukraine to Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a very special case for the Empire - aside from being a former colony of the Crown, and the Opium trade hub, it is home to 'Li Ka-shing', the most powerful Chinese billionaire, the operational center of 'HSBC, and the seat of some of the very powerful corporate entities and NGOs like NED and NDI....
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Hong Kong – The Battleground for the Hegemony of Dollar
Whatever is going on in the world, and in particular in Hong Kong, must be seen in contest of the US dollar, and its hegemony in the global economy. Since China is posing a mortal threat to the supremacy of dollar, it should be ready for more, a lot more — Challenges to dollar have never gone unanswered.... Continue Reading
President Vladimir Putin’s Speech at The APEC Meeting
This speech Vladimir Putin delivered back in November 2014. It is significant in many ways — A speech from a true World class Leader: Thoughtful, Constructive, and Straight Talk - Invitation to dialogue and discussion - No hubris. No 'Options on The Table'. No veiled threats. What a change and refreshing relief... Continue Reading