The Crazy Planet of Baboons: Planet Earth

11 Responses

  1. Marla Venturini says:

    Excellent! Great piece.

    Thought provoking and well written. Hammers in the idea very well. We, the humans, have reverted back to our vicious heritage – even worst, like cannibals, eating our own.

  2. H Anders Lonnemo says:


    I found your site from following a link from Rense to the Crazy Baboon story. Very enjoyable. In the last sentence you have “bared” which I suspect you meant “barred”.

    • Moderator says:

      Hi Anders,

      Thank you for visiting the page. Yes, it was supposed to be “barred”- It is corrected, thanks to you. Greatly appreciate it.

  3. Martha says:

    Humor in pain. Made us laugh while crying.
    Thank you.

  4. Nasser Cole says:

    Excellent! Very well presented Wish the Astorians had crushed the head of the squirrel. Just a wish.

    Enjoyed it.

  5. Arthur Wallace says:

    Couldn’t you make the Astorians intervene and “terminate” the enemy of “Earthlings”?

    Our problems would have been solved, and they would have another successful “rescue” operation.

    Anyway, we enjoyed it, and cried – for ourselves.

    Thank you.

  6. Nicole Smith says:

    Your readers will enjoy this clip of the squirrel head:

  7. Monica Gibson says:

    Quite a change!
    You have great writing style. Loved the spin you gave to the ugly reality.
    In fact, we have become worse than baboons. We are cannibals. Eating the flesh of our own.
    Still, you made us laugh.

  8. Mark Taylor says:

    Hilarious! Squirrel head! we were laughing like crazy.
    You hammered in the point in a very interesting way.
    Quite a change of style from your previous work. Presented a sad state in a funny way
    Again, a great piece.

    • derek white says:

      I have heard that baboons are not vicious. They rarely fight. They never harm their young. Actually, the males are specially kind to young baboons. That gains them favors from th females.

    • Paul Tarsuss says:

      It’s always interesting to step outside, or seek a vantage point above and beyond this round box of ‘thin crust’ 5 meat pizza we inhabit. Perhaps it’s the imaginative, and highly metaphorical content in movies of the sci-fi genre that has made them increasingly popular over the years. Such that, these movies now dominate the entertainment industry handily. The author, in true sci-fi fashion, gets the reader to look down at our mess from a hypothetically ‘enlightened’ point of view, high above and beyond our primitive struggles. How far fetched is such a scenario? How likely? Is there evidence that we, ourselves have been “highly engineered”?
      Let’s take a small journey….one that contains easily verifiable information, some of which the reader has likely not seen before, much less considered in light of the most critical juncture our world has ever faced…..
      Yes, our “planet of the apes” has seen, is seeing, and will see…..Great Challenges. But it sure is heartening to know that Those Who’ve Gone Before us, are coming again. And in Timely Fashion. Just As Promised.

      Good Journies

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