The Tribal Gods – Gods of Discord
In God We Trust – And, in God’s Name We Kill, Rape, Loot, and Destroy. Ours is The Loving and Caring God. More than Fifty Six Million native Americans, Millions of natives of Australia and New Zealand, Tens of Millions of people in India, and the Millions in the Middle East sacrificed at the Alter of God are Testimonials of God’s Love and Care – And, The God’s Love is Never Ending!
And, there is no shortage of Gods – Every Group of humans, every tribe has its own personalized God who happen to be the Only Real God. In the frenzies of establishing the “truth” and superiority of their Gods, the devotees feel compelled to kill and destroy the “enemies” of their respective Gods. Actually, they kill others, the “non-believers”, to save them – The “Mercy Killing” and “Mercy Rapes” !
With such destructive “loving” traits, and their strong hold on humans, these Gods deserve a closer scrutiny.
The Gods of The Tribes
The Creator of the Universe may very well be The Absolute Authority and The Supreme Intelligence – He may may very well be the Schemer, Planner, Originator, and The Source of the entire System of The universe – He may very well be The Sustainer of the Universal System – He may very well be The Creator of all of us, but, still, He is outnumbered by all the Tribal Gods on the planet Earth — The courtesy of the humans.
On our planet Earth, there may be shortage of every thing; from the clean water to natural gas, and from an honest journalist to a self-respecting politician, but when it comes to Gods, we have plenty. Actually, we have enough supply of Gods to export quite a few to other planets – whenever we happen to ‘conquer’ those far away places.
How many Gods in total are there? Difficult to say with certainty – May be our ‘open-source’ community will take on the task, and start compiling an ‘Encyclopedia Godenica‘ – It may be worthwhile to start a Godly project on the lines of the Wikipedia – It may be called the ‘‘Wikigodia’‘.
We humans are an interesting lot!
We are very ’emotional’ and ‘sentimental’ about our own Gods. The ‘proprietary’ attachment to our respective Gods is unbreakable – No ‘disrespect’ or ‘insult’ to our ‘personal’ God is tolerated – we insist that the ‘ours’ is the ‘true’ God, and theirs are just the ‘gods’ ! With fervor we fight, destroy, and kill each others in the name of tribal Gods of ours – The Hell to the other tribes who dare to ‘deny’ our God!
Amazing beings we are!
And, In Faith We Trust
Volumes of the ‘Godly’ books have been written telling the most unbelievable and logic-busting stories to ‘strengthen’ the faith of the believers in their own Gods – The faith and trust in those Gods is just amazing:
A few years ago I had a discourse with a “believer” – a friend of one of my clients. He wanted to ‘convert‘ me to his ‘faith’ – The fervor and ‘sincerity’ of his belief system was touching. He argued that if I joined his ‘faith’, and accepted the ‘Only Son‘ of the ‘God’ as the ‘Savior‘, I would be ‘saved‘ and be given a free pass to the ‘Heaven‘.
When I asked him what made him believe that his ‘savior’ was the ‘only’ son of God. He insisted that it was the ‘truth’ – so was declared in the ‘Book‘ of ‘God’!
When I informed him that there were more than 300 other known ‘saviors’ who are also believed to be the ‘only sons’ of the respective ‘Father Gods‘ by hundreds of millions of other human beings – he retorted, “but, we know the truth.”
He honestly believed that his ‘savior’ was the ‘only son’ of the God. One must just have to have the ‘faith’!
I have another friend who staunchly believes that his ‘God’ stand tuned to all his wishes and demands. He narrated multiple times – probably hoping that one day I would join his God’s camp: ” One day, while I was not married yet, I gave God my wish for a wife, and asked him if He would provide me a wife like that. And, you know what, the next day the girl, who is my wife now, just walked into my office.”
Touching – is not it?
He assured me that his God’s favors were not limited to the ‘serious and important stuff’ only. His God even granted him the Van of his choice. He stated, “One day, while driving along, I noticed the Van that I always wanted to have, passing in the next lane. I asked ‘O my God, can I have a Van like that?’ And, you know what, next day I found the the similar Van for sale on the ‘Craigs List’, and at an unbelievable price. This is the Van that I am driving now.”
Would not you love to have such a caring personal ‘God’?
The Godly Nature
It is amazing to discover all these tribal Gods – some well packaged and mass-marketed, while others the hidden gems! It would have been fun to study these Gods and their fantastic stories, if it were not for the fact that these Gods, most of the times, are an angry lot – lusting for the human blood. Not fun, if you happened to be on the receiving end of their wrath!
It is understood that the Faith and God are very personal ‘things’. But, by virtue of their tribal ‘nature’, these Gods have a tendency to start ‘acting’ as the conductor for the marching bands of the warring factions – and, marching on the rhythm of the Godly Band, the armies of these Gods get busy with their slaughter spree.
The problem with The Creator, on the other hand, is that He cannot be ‘‘tribalized’‘, and, therefore, cannot be ‘used‘ to claim the ‘exceptional status‘ and privileges – Him being The Creator of all, and of every thing, He cannot ‘chose‘ some over the rest. He cannot be used to satisfy the vicious side of the human nature – Therefore; hello the tribal God!
Through the analysis of scientific data and application of deductive reasoning, we have been able to sort out the essential attributes of The Creator of the Universe (Sifting Out The Creator). Based on those essential attributes and Virtues of The Creator, we can, with certainty, distinguish Him from the tribal Gods.
The Creator of the entire System of the Universe – and of all of us, can be perceived as the embodiment of Absolute Authority, Supreme Intelligence, Thoughtfulness, and Compassion – Beyond the bounds of ‘form’, ‘shape’, or ‘time-space’ dimensions – Beyond the tribal affiliations – Not the head of a ‘family’, nor the chief of a ‘clan’ – Absolutely Rational, and in Absolute Command and Control of the entire System – Completely Self-Sufficient and Capable – Beyond the need for ‘worship’ and the demands for ‘sacrifice’ – An embodiment of Absolute Peace and Harmony.
If you happen to visualize the One with the above characteristics, you are having a perfect vision.
ℕow, it is time to pay homage to some of the more prominent tribal Gods of the humans, and try to figure out their characteristics:
Tribal Gods – The Count
It is next to impossible to figure out the total count of all the tribal Gods that have been around on planet Earth. Humans have been on Earth for an estimated 400,000 – 600,000 years. We can say with confidence that there have been more tribal Gods on Earth than the number of years we have our abode on this planet.
But, when taking a count of all the tribal Gods, we have to note that we are taking into account only the ‘Head’ tribal Gods – but, these tribal Gods, normally, come with the assortments of ‘Family Members’ – Wives, Sons, and Daughters etc. – all these ‘members of the family’ do act as the ‘Junior’ or ‘Supporting’ Gods of the tribe.
It is almost impossible to keep tab on all of them – there are too many, and we don’t want to end up using the scientific notation. It will, therefore, be prudent to simply abandon the efforts to have a count of all these tribal Gods, and rather focus on the qualitative side in order to recognized and differentiate between The Creator and these numerous tribal Gods.
In fact, it should be rather an easy task, since the tribal Gods are made on ‘our own image’, and, hence, depict the aspirations, desires, fears, lust, and the savagery of the tribe.
Tribal Gods – The Attributes
A point to note is that most of these tribal Gods come packaged as ‘Three-Packs‘. The oldest of the most prominent ‘Trio Packs’ are the mid-central Indian tribal Gods – The Trinity of Brahma (Father God), Vishnu (Salvation God) and Shiva (Warrior God), and the Egyptian Trinity of Osiris (Father), Horus (Mother) and Isis (Son).
The Son/Sun God is the next most ‘popular‘ package of the tribal Gods. The prominent ones are: Krishna – India; Mithra – Persia; Apollo – Rome; Baal – Babylon; Balder – Scandanavia; Baccus – Greece; Zoroaster – Persia; Adonia – Syria; Astarte – Carthage; Attis – Phrygia; Buddha – India; Yu – China; and many more to add to the list of Son/Sun Gods.
In contrast to The Creator, whose relevant attributes we have highlighted above, all these tribal Gods show some very ‘interesting’ characteristics:
▸ A Confused Lot:
These tribal Gods seems to be unable to plan any thing right – they create the things, then repent their doings.
They cannot articulate their ‘thoughts’ properly – they speak a lingo that is a collection of undecipherable and incomprehensible words – decipherable only by the ‘appointed’ ones – gibberish to the rest.
▸ An irrational, foul-mouthed, and angry bunch:
They move around confused, frustrated, and angry – Utter obnoxious and foul words, spit out curses at regular interval, and threaten to kill and destroy the ‘enemies’.
▸ Devoid of Justice, Lustful, and Blood Thirsty:
They have no sense of ‘proportionality’ – they impose capital punishment even for the minor offenses, and show no mercy. They demand ‘utter destruction’ and slaughter of their enemies, even of babies. After the thoughts of ‘killing and destruction‘, next in line of their thoughts are the ‘sex and lust’ – they cannot hold themselves from spitting out the ‘descriptive’ references pertaining to the sexual acts and genitalia.
▸ Obsessed with the Real Estate and Gold – Like the Kings:
Like the kings, all the tribal Gods are in love with the Real Estate and Gold. They demand the most magnificent ‘houses’ – gold, jewelry, and precious stones must be used lavishly in the decoration. They also offer ‘For Sale and Lease’ the property in the heavens – most of the time it is the auction process – highest bidder wins!
▸ And, Tribal All The Way:
Here, they cannot help themselves – after all, they are the tribal Gods – All the ‘goodies’ go to the tribe. They chose the tribe over the others – assigning the status of ‘cattle’ to the rest of humanity.
Indeed, an amazing lot are the tribal Gods.
Descriptive History of The Tribal Gods
Focusing only on the few of the more prominent ones, we will quote some selective ‘words’ of these Gods, and present a brief narrative of their ‘official’ histories. You decide whether they represent the ‘persona’ of ‘The Creator’, or the characteristics of a tribal God.
The Trinity of Brahma – From The Puranas (The Hindu Bible):
Brahma, the main ‘Hindu’ God, is said to be self-created, or born from a lotus, or hatched from the cosmic egg. He is often depicted with four heads – as his daughter Sarasvati tried to avoid his lustful gaze, other heads grew up in each direction she ran. She could not escape from her father. She succumbed to Brahma’s lust. Brahma and his daughter Saraswati lived as husband and wife(!) Brahma, done with the job of creation, passed his authorities to God Vishnu.
Vishnu is the sustainer of the universe. He keeps on returning to earth, – in human form – to save the world. Lord Krishna was his latest incarnation. [ He, apparently, has given up on humans – has not returned to earth for more than 6,000 years. ]
Shiva is the destroyer and the God of fertility(!) He destroyed the city of demons – He waited 1000 years until the cities, which rotated in the air, were aligned, then pierced all three with one arrow – He became so powerful because the other Gods gave him their divine energy, which he kept after the battle of Mahabharata. He also has three eyes and a necklace of skulls as “Lord of goblins”.
After this exciting description, we will rather skip the ‘wise words’ from this lot.
Zeus – The King of All Gods:
Zeus was a Greek God. He is described to be the Son of God Cronus and Goddess Rhea.
Cronus fathered several children by Rhea, but swallowed them all as soon as they were born, since he was told (!) that he was destined to be overcome by his own son, just the way he had overthrown his own father.
When Zeus was about to be born, Rhea devised a clever plan to save him, so that Cronus would get his retribution for his acts against his own children. When Zeus born, Rhea handed Cronus a rock wrapped in swaddling clothes, which he promptly swallowed.
God Zeus is known for his erotic escapades and carried an assortment of consorts. These affairs resulted in many godly and heroic offspring, including Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Minos, and the Muses. By his wife, Hera, he fathered Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus.
An interesting God was this Zeus guy.
Mithra – The Sun God:
Mithra was the sun (son) God for both the Romans and Persians. He is depicted as being born from a rock. He is shown as emerging from a rock, already in his youth, with a dagger in one hand and a torch in the other. He is nude, is wearing a Phrygian cap and is holding his legs together.
He ruled over his ‘Goddom‘ for many centuries – His whereabouts is currently unknown.
And, The God’s Words – The Gems!
Here are some of the ‘genuine’ words of God – taken directly from the God’s Book, depicting the peculiar ‘Godly’ characteristics:
The Repenting God:
I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
The Deceptive God:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Scared & Plotting God:
Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. . . Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
Demanding Blood Sacrifice:
And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
Commanding to Kill – Even the Infants:
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
Ordering to Destroy All The Inhabitants of The City – Leave Alive Nothing:
Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword.
But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:
Ordering to Stone to Death:
Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
Very Godly, indeed!
And, The Godly Infiltration
But, perhaps, the most amazing story is the one where the tribal God seems to have infiltrated into to realm of The Creator! What else it could be? It was all very ‘Creatorly‘ – with all the signature characteristics of The Creator. And, all at once sprang out the familiar tribal God – demanding the surrender of human faculties of logic and reasoning, enforcing worship, and commanding sacrifice.
In order to train the obedient ones to obey his Godly commands, and to make sure they don’t go astray, The God chains them down to the ‘Five Pillars‘- three of the pillars are designed to hold you tight, while the two are just for the heck of it. No, you can go nowhere – You stay put – let the centuries pass by.
The First Heavy-duty Pillar:
To assign five time blocks – spread out over the day, to worship Him – Each time block must be spent in performing the rituals that are very thoughtfully designed to make the ‘worshippers’ the laughing stock of all – May be, it makes the God proud and happy.
The Second Heavy-duty Pillar:
Five times of worship needed some extra support! So, one full month must be assigned to Him – in absolute starvation. No food, and no water the whole day – Plus worship most of the night – Imagine, no water even at 120 degree Fahrenheit (49 degree Celsius) under the blistering sun – It is The Real Fasting.
The Third Heavy-duty Pillar:
The Five bouts a day of worship and fasting over the one whole month was not enough, now go and perform the pilgrimage – indulge in the rituals that put the ancient ‘pagans’ to shame. End the pilgrimage by ‘offering’ the sacrifice!
Strange. It seems that it is the tribal God himself who has morphed into these ‘Pillars’ – And, has tied the ‘believers’ into himself – Or, is it the handy-work of the ‘God makers’ – As usual.
Anyway, we have to solute the resilience of the tribal Gods.
Hi Dear, are you in fact visiting this site daily, if so after that you will definitely take pleasant experience.
That is what I call a ‘Master Piece’. Excellent work.
But, Let me tell you, many religious fanatics – from every walk of the spectrum, will hate you for ‘insulting’ their religion and ‘God’.
God Bless you for writing it and giving it to us.
Thank you.
A very powerful essay – A rare find. Glad to have stumble upon it – Thanks to “The News Scouter”.
Religion has always been a tool in the hand of tyranny. Tyranny gives each group a Book to thump upon, and embark upon the killing.
While superficially all religions talk about ‘peace and love’, in reality, they all promote hate, intolerance, and distrust of others. Thus, breading the ground for violence and killing.
And, all these ‘religiosies’ live like kings – Look at the Vatican and the Pop.
It is not the religions that cause promotes hate, distrust, and violence. It is the exploitation of the religion that is responsible or all the wars that are going on around the world.
What about the ‘religion’ that a small, but growing number of people in this world seem to gravitate to- that which is called Zen, Advaita, even Sufism? I don’t belive these are ‘tribal’ in any sense- merely an evolution.
If the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom. Then god must be Chaos and wisdom is staying off god’s radar. We must think like water and avoid the rain or god will have us all wet. We have only ourselves to blame when that happens.
Greetings. Interesting essay, I will have to sit down and read it again when I have more time. But for now I would like to add a few comments.
Know a bit of ancient culture as well as the history. The customs at the time were when you waged war against another city, you would give it a chance to surrender. If it did not, you would have your army slaughter everyone inside ..or take them as a slaves, when and if you did breach and win into the city past its walls.
It was not a very nice time to live either, very harsh, and that’s without the religious aspects added in.
But heres the catch. The earliest cities are in the Mesopotania area, the areas of now Iraq, Iran, and Turkey mainly, for the after the flood recivilization. The gods of Sumar, we find Enki, who was the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Ianna was Isis and the Great pyramid was dedicated to her. Ra later fled from Egypt and became known a Marduk of Babylon, but was deceased by the time Alexander the Great tried to visit him.
By the time of Christ, most of these olden ‘gods’ had died of old age, headed back to the planet of their origion, or were otherwise out of sight of Mankind.
Christ, by his sacrifice, also returned ‘kingship’ by celestrial right, back to Mankind, … something we had essentially lost when our ancestors turned to Enki and followed his direction, and what ever genetic change he did to them.
Enki by the way, was a scientist, and well versed in Genetics, his symbol was the double helix, shown in ancient tablets as entwined serpents, some of them actually having the crossbars between them. It is where we get our medical symbol today, the serpents entwined around a staff. The ancient name for serpent also meant Shining. Just as clay meant flesh and was a deliberate pun written into the account of creation.
The tribe of Amalek were the offspring of some of these olden gods, a cross between them and mankind, and apparently very violent. Some suspect besides being genetically NOT pure human, that they were also carriers of some plagues.
Either way, we find there is a Peruvian counterpart, giants, red or blond haired, long headed, and the native populations finished them off. Yes, it was a race war everywhere. In North America there was an account of a tribe of them being killed off, in a cave, because they were cannables.
As for the Bible, all thoughout the old testament, you find the scripture is for the compassionate treatment of others. Justice for the orphans and widows, feeding the hungry, giving the wage earners their fair wages, etc. The most condimation in the Bible is for those that are supposed to be Gods people yet go after the ‘other’ gods, worshiping idols, engaging in Sorcery and burning their children (alive) and having blood on their hands.
God called for volunteers of his people out of Egypt, and though his Abraham and others , warned against swearing oaths and allegiances , as once done, these were binding. Those that followed, instead of staying in Egypt, were oath bound to YHWH, not other ‘gods”.
And Jerusalem, (as Babylon was to Marduk, and Nippur to Enlil) is the City of YHWH. Christ is Michael of the Old testament, and the Prince of Isreal/Judea. Todays Isreal is the nation born in a day. And the line of history comes to modern day , where we can melt the elements of the earth and rush to and forth (think of rush hour, lol) over its surface.
The fallen ones are supposedly returning, including the Destroyer from the Abyss (the depths of space), be they tribal gods or other, and seeking to destroy as much as they can, as many as they can, speaking to the leaders of the nations to gather them against YHWH and the Prince of Israel at his return.
History becomes our future, the veil is removed from the past, and we should be carefull of any supernatural messages as well as our own politians, as the Scripture says, you will know them by their works.
A difficult topic handled very well – with a touch of humour. Good articulation and well organized. An eye opener to many who still have the ability to think independently.
Going to read the other articles in the series, and hope to enjoy them as well.
Thank you.
Well presented. Fanatics should be feeling offended, but we, the normal humans, enjoyed it very much.
We are going through your other articles on the same theme (following the suggestions of Nick Parker). It is a great work.
Also, on behalf of all the “native English”, please accept our sincere apologies. Elements like the “Joe” above are in very segment of human society. Just keep up the great work.
Ray Porter and Family
Its so entertaining to me how the most indoctrinate poor souls just cannot begin to allow any rational and thought provoking examples of completely obvious and totally valid points into their miopic little mouse brains. But its also sad and blatantly evedent that some cannot be helped at all. May god have..m..,ah never mind.
Regarding the so-called “Christian God” and the Bible:
The vast majority of the bible is considered a fraud by the world’s best historians and ancient linguist. Most of the Old Testament and the New Testament is full of inaccuracies and contradictions, errors in translations and inconsistencies numbering in the tens of thousands (over 30,000 have been documented by researchers). So it’s not a book anyone can rely upon as “accurate” – and therefore, speculation as to “what it means” is going to wrong from the very beginning.
Most of the “books” this volume contains were not written by the claimed authors either. Tens of thousands of documents were deliberately left out for example in the Old Testament (same for the New Testament). Revisions, reworking the passages have been extensively documented, which means it’s far from an accurate rendition of anything but what the writers wanted it to say, and the story changed as time went on.
Read the works of Richard Carrier, “Proving History” and “Why We Have Reason to Doubt”. References are in the thousands from other world-class experts. There are many, many other good resource materials to examine. Experts seriously doubt that either the Old or the New can be considered genuine, authentic, accurate or factual.
So anything “claimed to be in scripture” or “Bible” is immediately suspect because the source document (Old Testament in this case) is severely flawed to start with. The New Testament is of course, an extension of the Old and the vast majority of the texts that this contains is also considered fraudelent.
The concept of a Creator is just as flawed as the book that this notion was taken from. Any real study of human history and Earth history will reveal that “creation” is a myth, based upon superstition, fear, ignorance and fear-mongering (a great tool to control ignorant people). We are long past the days when such fables should be considered accurate or authentic and the research and evidence done by world experts has demonstrated this multiple times.
This was a rather awkwardly written article. perhaps the author is not a native English speaker?
Hi Joe,
“This was a rather awkwardly written article. perhaps the author is not a native English.”
So, where did you notice the “awkwardness” in the article? Please elaborate a bit, and enlighten us.
What a thoughtless and idiotic comment: “perhaps the author is not a native English.”
Why not go back to your “English” den?
I bet the author is not “native English”.
Such originality, thoughtfulness, humor, and humanity is beyond the “native English” authors (like Joe!).
I am a retired English teacher. If one of my students had given me an essay of this caliber, I would have framed it on the wall.
But, we all have seen the likes of ‘Joe’ in our classes – disgrace to their communities.
Hello Walter and Jim, Might i suggest that in the future, when you inevitably read “idiotic comments” on the internet, that you take a second to consider being constructive and kind instead of superior and sarcastic? I mean its really your choice but i was struck with a sense of irony while reading your comments. Here we are reading an article that outlines how awful human beings can be to each other in the name of their undeserving “gods.” And here you are, putting someone down and enjoying it. I bet you felt mighty accomplished as you hit “post comment” on your screen, knowing that Joe would feel badly seeing your replies to his relative innocent comment. You don’t honestly know a damn thing about Joe. He could be a 7 year old or a war veteran. The only thing you can comfortably assume is that he is human. I guess thats not always enough to be deserving of respect and kindness. Glad you’ve all mastered English. I urge you to commence studying the systems and inner workings of compassion. Consider my comment a taste of your own medicine. Not that i really have a good excuse to be sarcastic with you but then at least i didn’t call any of you a “disgrace to your community.” Seriously?
The spirit being the Europeans call Jesus was asked by a disciple about those who followed other people than him. His response was, Love them. He didn’t say, Kill them, he said, Love them. He also said the greater of the law was love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness.
A prophet stated, They will be killing thinking they are doing God a favor. This was not limited to any one religion, peoples, or Nations. Perhaps educated people who lust after power in this world learned long ago it was far easier to get people to kill other people if they thought they were doing God some big favor? It’s a strange world. I am just passing through.
Funny this article doesn’t mention the only real tribal god I know of and that is the jewish god.
Yes, it does. Did you pay attention:
“Here, they cannot help themselves – after all, they are the tribal Gods – All the ‘goodies’ go to the tribe. They chose the tribe over the others – assigning the status of ‘cattle’ to the rest of humanity.”
It is the God of “J” tribe. “cattle” are the “Goyims”.
Other than the cattle reference which is a usual Jewish reference to all others except Jews, I really don’t see a reference to Judaism. The mentioning of the Christian God and Trinity shouldn’t be confused with a criticism of Judaism. The emphasis on now mostly defunct Trinities is a misdirection to avoid appearing to single out Christianity.
The author is not naming the names, but he has not left anyone’s
“God” out. The “J God” is also there.
A good read.
Then why the emphasis on triune gods. The others are for misdirection so that Christianity doesn’t appear to be singled out for criticism. Of course technically the God of the old testament being mentioned would imply a criticism of Judaism as well. But the emphasis on the Trinity reveals the truth about which religion is being criticized. The truth is Christianity is a Universal religion where everyone is accepted into it regardless of race, ethnicity or prior religious belief. Judaism is however a tribal religion it discourages converts and doesn’t treat them as true jews. It also regards other peoplee as unworthy of God’s attention.
To all other Readers:
This essay is the one of the NINE articles in the series. It would have been better if the Editor had put them all together for the readers to enjoy.
Read them in the original order that I have sorted out below, and you will learn a lot while enjoy reading them. It is a great collection of very thoughtfully written articles.
In Search of The Origin – I
In Search of The Origin – II
In Search of The Origin – III
In Search of The Origin – IV
In Search of The Origin – V
The Case for the Intelligent Scheme
Sifting Out The Creator
The Tribal Gods
The Human – And, The Earthling
Read them all with an open mind. All very logical and scientific.
Hats off to the Author.
My dad directed me to this piece. We have read all the your essays in this series (I believe there are 5 in total). You seems to be a physicist.
Great work. I Salute you.
You are attacking all the religions and hurting the sentiments of millions. It is an attack on FAITH. A hit piece on religion itself. I strongly condemn this article.
Hey Nina, How about the “sentiments” of the innocents millions slaughtered by these religious worshipers of God? Wake up sister. These Gos are blood thirsty.
In fact, the author is not attacking the God, the Creator of all of us. The theme is to differentiate the Creator God from the “tribal gods”.
A great article it is.
Yes, Sure. Kill the messenger of Truth. That is what the fanatic morons have been doing from the beginning. Wasn’t the Christ crucified for telling the truth?
I strongly acknowledge this article
Nina, sentiments don’t hurt unless you choose it to be so (and since when are you the voice that represents those “sentimental” millions) . So I suggest either make another choice or take responsibility for your thoughts and emotions; blaming others for their appreciation of the absurdities that this article makes clear is unwise behaviour. And what makes religion and FAITH immune from expose’. You birth, not upon this planet with any labels and you leave sans labels, these earthly brands that hold and imprison the man, the women, the child, whilst True Self, Spirit abides not in these dramas made for money making, war and control by the humans and their overlords, space travellers who continue to influence the lives and events on this ancient globe. Time for you to explore beyond the self-imposed door that imprisons you, a door no match for thought, nor knowing. The seed has been planted; will you make use of its sweet fruits.
It’s not an attack on faith but on the creation of fairytales used to enslave people. Call it religion. It is an attack on religion.
Kill religion? What’s not to like?
Say you’re a Jew living in ancient Rome. Then one day, you’re not a Jew, right? Turn the other cheek? Or better yet, just throw in the towel, eh? The author makes the great point that these religions demand the surrender of faculties of logic. One can keep all their faculties of logic in top shape and still find themselves requiring faith in order to function. We must have both and if one defeats the other, as faith defeats reason in the case of these religions, then something’s wrong. Or else reason has won and we truly understand everything. In either case, faith lives just beyond the place reason can support it — thus it lives where reason is pointing. While faith, as well as the truth itself, may and will confound reason, it is only because faith is firing from a region reason can’t reach, so reason never can fire back. Faith gets to live with the truth — reason can only dwell in the realm of experience.
All religions are instruments of discord, created by the tyrants to divide and rule the humanity. Well written.
Nothing but Truth! That is what it is.
Every tribe is thumping its own Book, claiming it to be the only true book of the God. Any one dare to oppose it is worthy of killing.
Hope this essay will serve to open the eyes of some.