Strange and Bizarre events are occurring with an increasing frequency and intensity. Post 2011, the world seems to have gone crazy. First, the 'ragheads' came up with the fabulous idea for enjoying the life by blowing themselves up, and killing as many of their fellow ragheads as possible. Now, it seems that the 'non-ragheads' are also succumbing to the raghead craze.... Continue Reading
Rasputin to Putin – Coming Full Circle
Grigori Rasputin was a Russian philosopher, thinker, and strategist - a saint, in fact, who realized the danger of the Tyranny emerging out from the West to devour the humanity, and stood up to resist it. He was an obstacle to the eastward march and expansion of the Empire of Tyranny in the early 20th century - Very much like Putin is today. And, .... Continue Reading
These are very desperate times. We are living in utter desperation under the ruthless clutches of a vicious tyranny. Engulfed in the misery and agony of never ending wars, murders and tortures, poverty and hunger, and foreclosures and repossessions, our wish for a 'Messiah' or for a 'Savior' is quite natural. But, There is No One out there to save you. It is your hind. And, it is up to .... Continue Reading
Putinologists - from the savvy analysts to journalists, and from the solitary bloggers to heavily subsidized writers, are all divided into two distinct camps: Those who see in him the Savior-Messiah' of humanity, and those who believe he is the epitome of 'Evil' - a ruthless dictator and a tyrant. The truth, as is the case most of the times, lies somewhere in between; neither a Savior-Messiah nor .... Continue Reading

Is Putin also in it – A Partner with The West?
In our previous analytical review of the events in Russia, and, in particular, Mr. Putin's maneuvers and actions since his 2nd coming, we came to conclude that Putin camp is positioning itself for the final mop to remove the remnants of the pro-western Atlantic integrationists elements from the corridors of power. Now, with a different perspective,.... Continue Reading
Russia herded and delivered into the Loving Arms of China
In the community hunting frenzies of the past, a large number of drummers would be deployed to encircle the hunting area – leaving a narrow gap open in the circle. The drums then would cause the animals to run towards the open gap. It seems like the hunting season—The Bear hunting. Russian Bear is being delivered into the waiting arms of the Chinese Dragon .... Continue Reading
The BRICS Of The Empire: The ‘B’ of The BRICS – Brazil
All the bricks in the BRICS are fully aligned with the Old World Order—there is no New World Order. The same old Banking Dynasties that have been ruling the world for more than two-hundred-fifty years are paving the new pathway with the newly stamped BRICS—though a new path, it still leads to the same destination—The Den of the Super Rich. .... Continue Reading
Mass Surveillance: Collective Behavior Monitoring & Control
No more than 600 families - with only 13 families at the core, have been exploiting, plundering, and ruling over more than 7 billion people. It is a rather scary and precarious state - For the Ruling Elites . A wrong swing in the collective mood of the masses, and they may go the way of Czar Romanov. Mass Surveillance serves to keep tab on the public mood.... Continue Reading
The Tools of Instigation – From Ukraine to Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a very special case for the Empire - aside from being a former colony of the Crown, and the Opium trade hub, it is home to 'Li Ka-shing', the most powerful Chinese billionaire, the operational center of 'HSBC, and the seat of some of the very powerful corporate entities and NGOs like NED and NDI....
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Christophe de Margerie Eliminated – In Putin’s Russia
Just three months prior to his death in a plane crash in Russia, Christophe de Margerie had dared to publicly utter the words, "There is no reason to pay for oil in dollars. Well, as the saying goes, there are no accidents in the world of politics and finance - Just planned executions....
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The Khodorkovsky Move – A New Front Against Putin
While Mikhail Gorbachev provided the framework, Boris Yeltsin did 'open Russia' for the crooks to loot the public wealth and national resources. The likes of Mikhail Khodorkovsky - the parasites of humanity, ended up gobbling the natural resources and wealth of Russia, leaving the public in a state of utter destitute. Now, this great Russian patriot,... Continue Reading
Is Putin Ready to Sack Medvedev ?
Putin, it seems, finally getting ready to steer Russia out of it pacifist state that it had been since the breakup of USSR. And, if the sign are any indicators, we are going to see a more militarist Russia. Vladimir Putin has come a long way, and has become a big obstacle to the Empire's plans for further expansion - The Empire is, of course, furious....
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President Vladimir Putin’s Speech at The APEC Meeting
This speech Vladimir Putin delivered back in November 2014. It is significant in many ways — A speech from a true World class Leader: Thoughtful, Constructive, and Straight Talk - Invitation to dialogue and discussion - No hubris. No 'Options on The Table'. No veiled threats. What a change and refreshing relief... Continue Reading