Category: Money

Chinese Economy in Free Fall

Chinese economy is in a state of perpetual free fall since the mid 1990s. It has to be. From the most respected economist, experts, analysts, and seasoned columnist to the senior treasury and FED officials, all have been predicting the ‘‘unavoidable’ collapse of the Chines economy and the ‘imminent’ ‘bubble burst’ of the Chinese real estate and financial sector for more then two decades! …

India Poised to Overtake China

Pitching India against China has been another pastime of experts and economists in the West. India certainly compares to China in terms of headcount, and shares Himalayas with Chine. But, despite all the India Shines chimes, the similarity ends right there. The fact is that over 50% of the Indian population—597 million people, still do not have the luxury of a toilet, and are forced to defecate in public (Source: WHO,UNICEF)….

Freedom, Democracy, and The Fundamental Human Right

One of the fundamental human rights is the right to be eternally and absolutely Free. Free of the tyranny of a tyrant government. But, at the core of the Human Rights is the “Fundamental Human Right”, the Right to Own the Product of one’s labor — Whatever one makes or produces, belong to him/her – No one else has any right or claim on it….

In Hot Pursuit of Money

Money provides the means to support whatever plans or purposes one may have in life. But, the things end up upside down, and the life goes down the gutter when making the money becomes the objective, and the sole purpose for living. This is the betrayal of life. It is amazing to see how many happily butcher their own lives at the altar of money….

Bizarre and Incredible

Strange and Bizarre events are occurring with an increasing frequency and intensity. Post 2011, the world seems to have gone crazy. First, the ‘ragheads’ came up with the fabulous idea for enjoying the life by blowing themselves up, and killing as many of their fellow ragheads as possible. Now, it seems that the ‘non-ragheads’ are also succumbing to the raghead craze….

The Dogs, The Vipers, and The Imbeciles

The Dogs, The Vipers, and The Imbeciles – the tools of The Empire, without whom the ruling Banking Dynasties – the Parasites of the Humanity, couldn’t have been able to subjugate and enslave the humanity, are the prime ‘assets’ of The Empire. Always eager to serve and please their masters, these Dogs and Vipers of the empire devote their lives to promote the culture of hate….

The BRICS Of The Empire: The ‘B’ of The BRICS – Brazil

All the bricks in the BRICS are fully aligned with the Old World Order—there is no New World Order. The same old Banking Dynasties that have been ruling the world for more than two-hundred-fifty years are paving the new pathway with the newly stamped BRICS—though a new path, it still leads to the same destination—The Den of the Super Rich. ….

Mass Surveillance: Collective Behavior Monitoring & Control

No more than 600 families – with only 13 families at the core, have been exploiting, plundering, and ruling over more than 7 billion people. It is a rather scary and precarious state – For the Ruling Elites . A wrong swing in the collective mood of the masses, and they may go the way of  Czar Romanov. Mass Surveillance serves to keep tab on the public mood….

Christophe de Margerie Eliminated – In Putin’s Russia

Just three months prior to his death in a plane crash in Russia, Christophe de Margerie had dared to publicly utter the words, “There is no reason to pay for oil in dollars. Well, as the saying goes, there are no accidents in the world of politics and finance – Just planned executions….